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Visão de Futuro para a Cidade de Horizontina


Horizontina, Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil

Building Horizontina's vision for the future is more than a technically consistent set of guidelines for the macro-structuring of its territory, it is an opportunity to strengthen and deepen the roots of an urban environment founded on premises of sustainability (social, economic, environmental) and identity, capable of sustaining "urban happiness" for this and future generations.

Horizontina is in a privileged position to grow and develop with quality of life. Architect Jaime Lerner always said that a good city to live in is a good city to visit and to invest in. It is in support of this trinomial that Horizontina's strategic vision for the future is outlined.

The "design of the city" reflects the interweaving of the many facets that urban planning encompasses, of which we highlight the environmental base, the mobility and accessibility network, and the definitions of land use and occupation.

Among the macro-structuring proposals are the axes of densification, the network of green areas, the revision of the road hierarchy and mobility guidelines, the creation of an industrial and technological district, and also the strengthening of the municipality's identity.

The strategic projects involve a road circulation plan, aimed at resolving conflict points, strengthening the city's cycling network, and enhancing the landscape of both Horizontina and the rural district of Cascata, by proposing new points of interest such as viewpoints, squares and the requalification of existing roads, with emphasis on the creation of the Rua Coberta de Horizontina.

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Jaime Lerner Arquitetos Associados

 R. Bom Jesus, 76.

Curitiba, PR, Brasil  



Web Design Marina Schulman | Arthur Cordeiro | Thainá Domingues

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