arquitetos associados
Plano de Desenvolvimento Urbano Integrado da Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil
The preparation of the Integrated Urban Development Plan for the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro (PEDUI) is within the scope of the Program for Strengthening Public Management and Integrated Territorial Development - Rio Metrópole - Pró-Gestão II. The Program, funded by the World Bank, aims to help the State Government improve service delivery through the introduction of performance-based management information technologies and a focus on integrated territorial development in essential public services.
The proposed Program activities aim to strengthen metropolitan management in Rio de Janeiro by targeting multiple sectors in a comprehensive manner. This will be achieved through the components, covering the areas of public finance management, metropolitan and territorial governance, housing and land regularization, environment and disaster risk management, as well as social development.
The study is presented through the products available on the Modelar a Metrópole website and contains texts, tables and all the graphic materials necessary for understanding.