arquitetos associados

Taco Hoorda
Arquiteto e Urbanista l Architect and Urbanist
Since 1976, as a member of the team at Jaime Lerner Urban Planning (later Jaime Lerner Associated Architects) and also as managing partner of the company Cidade Planos e Consultoria, I have acquired extensive experience in urban planning, developing plans and projects for several cities in Brazil, such as such as Salvador, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba, Recife, Campo Grande, Aracaju, Natal, Cascavel, Uberaba, Cuiabá, Macaé, Florianópolis and Porto Alegre, as well as in foreign cities such as Santo Domingo and Santiago de los Caballeros, in the Dominican Republic, Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, David, in Panama, Mazatlán, in Mexico, and Luanda, N'Dalatando, Viana and Huambo, in the Republic of Angola.
These works are mainly related to the elaboration of Regional Plans, Municipal Master Plans, Urban Structuring Plans, Integrated Urban Collective Transport Plans, Central Area Revitalization Projects, and specific projects that address land use, environment, leisure and recreation, tourism and housing, among others.
From 1995 to 2003, first as Coordinator of the Costa Oeste Project and then as Superintendent of the Autonomous Social Service ECOPARANÁ, I coordinated several regional plans for tourism and sports, as well as studies and projects related to them, which promote the development of sustainable tourism in the state of Paraná.More recently, he has coordinated and participated in work related to urban planning in the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, São João da Barra, Porto Alegre, Aracaju and Viana (Angola).
More recently I have coordinated or participated in works related to urban planning in the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, São João da Barra, Porto Alegre, Aracaju and Viana (Angola), to metropolitan planning in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro, and to the regional planning on the coast of Paraná.