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Ariadne dos Santos Daher

Sócia l Partner

Ariadne dos Santos Daher is an urban planner graduated at Universidade Federal do Paraná (1999), with specialization in Technical Management of the Urban Environment at GTU International/Pontifícia Universidade Católica/Université de Technologie de Compiègne (2001), and a MSc in Urban Development Planning at the University College London (The Bartlett/DPU, 2003), having been granted a full Chevening Scholarship from the British Council/ Foreign Commonwealth Office to do so. In 2022 she concluded her Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Urban Management at the School of Fine Arts of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR), within the Graduate Program in Urban Management (PPGTU), with a full CAPES scholarship.. In 2012, she received a fellowship from the International Council of Canadian Studies, granted to university professors, in order to visit urban and environment development projects in the Canadian cities of Vancouver, Victoria, Ottawa, Toronto e Montreal. She was also awarded a full Fulbright Scholarship from the Fulbright Commission (Master’s program), and the Rio Tinto Award (Environmental Sustainability Projects).

Her professional experience in urban and regional planning started at the Coordenação da Região Metropolitana de Curitiba – COMEC 1998-2001), the public agency responsible for the integrated planning of the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba (MRC). She was part of the team that elaborated the new Integrated Development Plan for the MRC, and was part of the conception and implementation of the Integrated System for the Protection and Management of Water Catchment Areas in the MRC. After that, she participated in the elaboration of municipal masterplans at Vertrag Planejamento Urbano (2004-2005). As a University professor, she has tough since 2014 classes on Urban Planning, Urban Design and Landscape Design at Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, in Curitiba.

Currently, Ariadne is a partner at Jaime Lerner Arquitetos Associados, where she works since 2006, developing projects both for the public, private and third sectors, which aim at improving the quality of life in cities in Brazil and abroad, such as Porto Alegre, Florianópolis, São Paulo, Canoas, Serra, São José dos Pinhais and Durango (México).

Ariadne has expertise in the conception and development of urban projects in the local, municipal and regional (metropolitan) scales in the fields of urban structuring and strategic projects; land use and occupation; urban and rural areas; urban-environmental sustainability; conservation areas; economic development; mobility; natural and built heritage; public spaces; landscape conception. She also participates in the activities of Instituto Jaime Lerner, having coordinated the partnership with Cbic/Senai for the creation of a “new urban culture” for Brazilian cities.

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Jaime Lerner Arquitetos Associados

 R. Bom Jesus, 76.

Curitiba, PR, Brasil  



Web Design Marina Schulman | Arthur Cordeiro | Thainá Domingues

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