arquitetos associados

Paulo Kawahara
Sócio Fundador l Founding Partner
Paulo Kawahara is an architect and urban planner with extensive experience in urban planning, renovation and development projects. From 1981 to 1984, he was part of the Institute of Urban Planning and Research of Curitiba (IPPUC) where he worked on plans for integrated transportation systems and renovation of historic axes of the city. In 1984, he developed urban structuring an integration plans, transportation systems and urban renewal of historic areas for the Rio 2000.
In 1988, he became project coordinator at Jaime Lerner Urbanism Ltd, working with urban planning and design for public and private initiatives. He was appointed technical consultant for the state of Paraná in 1995, responsible for strategic projects (social development, economic development and environmental programs) and studies for regional development.
From 1999 to 2002, he was the president and director of the Coordination of the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba (COMEC). During his tenure, COMEC developed the Integrated Development Plan for a Metropolitan Region of Curitiba, international events, the integration of the transportation systems program, environmental protection programs and regional industrialization.
In 2003, he helped found Jaime Lerner Associated Architects, where he participated in and coordinated projects of integrated development axes, transportation systems and networks, urban acupunctures, cultural, touristic, leisure, social and entertainment equipment, streets and avenues, environmental parks , Renewal of Historic Areas and Buildings and Economic Development