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Fabiana Moro Martins

Arquiteta e Urbanista l Architect and Urbanist

Fabiana Moro Martins holds a master's degree in Urban Planning from UFPR (2020). She is a specialist in Technical Management of the Urban Environment from PUC/PR and UTC/France (2002) and an Architect and Urban Planner graduated in 2000 from UFPR. She worked with urban and regional planning at COMEC – Coordination of the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba and with Popular Housing and Land Regularization Programs at COHAPAR – Companhia de Habitação do Paraná. Between 2008 and 2020 she was part of the team at Jaime Lerner Arquitetos Associados (JLAA), where she worked with urban and regional planning and projects in the areas of transport, real estate and economic development, urban design and the environment. She is currently a parliamentary advisor to the Legislative Assembly of Paraná (Alep), on the team of state deputy Goura. She is also a volunteer researcher at the Observatório das Metrópoles - Núcleo Curitiba.

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Jaime Lerner Arquitetos Associados

 R. Bom Jesus, 76.

Curitiba, PR, Brasil  




Web Design Marina Schulman | Arthur Cordeiro | Thainá Domingues

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